The New Humanism


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Eco – home
Bi – bios, primary element
Hum – man-centered humanism

It’s the exhortation to live a new life, open to young people and to those who are in the grace of God, in the total freedom of, where the only aim is the joy of loving in order to achieve the peace of love.
It’s the open source project for a new humanism where the peoples who are in the grace of beauty will be able to rule themselves without any of the contemporary dictatorships, by building a society the only thing that matters is the happiness in creating and not the happiness gained by material possession.
Every human being in this planet has a right to live the choice of their home and maintain thei dignity. In order to ble co-creators, they should also be entitled to the dignity of their primary element, the bios, be it natural or artificial.

Every human being must live in a society that allows them to be happy in order to co-create because they have the chance to love in a way that is both lived and enjoyed.


A new World has begun

A world in quick motion: fast communication, quick work, quick decisions, easy social relationships, easy loveWhere social life is changing and becoming an instant-based life, with no history and no future.
The world of neoscience: genetics, digital computer science, neutrinic science, energetics, economy, demographyWhere life has no space nor land, no sense of belonging, no representative system and no hierarchies.
This new World turns men into technological giants, but at the same time it turns them into spiritual dwarves, poor disoriented people who don’t know where to go and only know how to possess things they don’t know how to use anymore.


The new World is soffocating

Digital technologies operated by monopolies turn men into slave.
Quick decisions on information made by monopolies make men slaves.
Monopolized genetics, because of its logic of possession, sets nutrition, medicine and farm energy against man’s dignity and this also makes men slaves.
There is no free territory, people aren’t free to administrate their homes: this makes men slaves too.
The monopolies of politics, economics, nutrition, religion, leisure time, justice are creating a unilateral, global dictatorship through the controlling of empathy: this is the sophisticated evolution of the equilibrium of terror introduced with the Cold War.
New generations will always be destined to precariousness for what work, family and relationships are concerned. They will be slaves.Those who are in the grace of God are machines, and they will not be able to make decisions about their own destiny: they will become eternal slaves.


There is another World

A project for a new humanism based on: Omniarchy, a new model of democracy; on the Secularism of Creation, a new model of coexistence amongst humans; on Glocal Churches, a new model of spiritual school.

Social trinity
It’s the introduction of a new society, a new government, and a new church with which it will be possible to build a new world that is truly free. A world where everyone will have the possibility to discover their true self in order to co-create and be able to give and receive total love, love that is lived and enjoyed.
The other World, the true world, is not only technological. It will be achieved when everyone will go from wanting to “be happy with material possessions” to wanting to “be happy with creation”.


The Mild Revolution

Aware that the masses have an enormous power dobbiamo we must start walking together towwards the final proposal: only then will we defeat this neo-dictatorship and be able to create the true world for men.
Aware that the Ecobihum project, digital communication, the harmless weapons used on the masses are enough to make a revolution for the new world.
Aware that by the method of protesting and proposing we will be able to aim for the right outcomes, taking action with a Mild Revolution.
Aware that the Mild Revolution is the proper tool to take out the roots of this neo-dictatorship, we should be determined, but not violent, we should always try to reach every man’s dignity in a context of love (both lived and enjoyed) against all politics, governments, mass medias and public opinion that are static and unchanging.
The new world is a difficult revolution,
but the mild revolution will make it possible tocreate a new world


A Constitutional Assembly for EcoBiHum

The Mild Revolution has a primary aim: the creation of a democratic Constitutional Assembly in order to put an end to the era of the work-based republic and open the era based on ecobiohumanism.

The Mild Revolution has a second aim: the creation of a democratic Constitutional Assembly which will put an end to the era of the democracy based on temporary representativeness and open the era of the democracy based on the government of ideas.

The Mild Revolution has a third aim: the creation of a democratic Consitutional Assembly which will put an end to the era of the European Economic Union and open the era of ecobiohuman Europe. A Europe made of people, not territories.


To the Streets! In the name of Love

The demand for a Constitutional Assembly must be done by a lot of people parading on the streets. There is a utopia which young people and people who are in the grace of God in Athens, Berlin, Bruxelles, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Moscow, Paris, Rome, Wien must be able to cultivate: ecobiohumanist Europe.

The demand for a Constitutional Assembly must set its roots with the action of young men and women, women and men who are in the grace of God, free at heart and love enthusiasts, willing to destreggiarsi make their way through the thorns of that beautiful white rose that is pure love, lived and enjoyed. Only these people can bring humanity to the awareness that happiness is achieved only by knowing how to co-create and dedicating this creation solely to the loving of the beloved. Only these people can: people of Joy, Peace, and Love.


One Response to The New Humanism

  1. Valter says:

    Sono molto interessanti le vostre proposte o idee, spero che riusciate a portarle avanti senza intromissioni di sorta da parte dei professionisti della politica odierni. Vi auguro buona fortuna e porgo cordiali saluti Valter Profili

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