Peoples and not territories


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From the ancient Romans to Renaissance, Europe has never been a geopolitical area, but an eternal, ideal pole. Europe isn’t just a melting-pot of ethnicities and populations, but a spiritual union without which it would have been impossible to survive the two World Wars.

This is why it is possible to talk about a European Humanity based on psychological and cultural processes and not on territorial residency.
It is not a case that Europe is still called “First World” in the rest of the planet, while it isn’t the first economic power in the World anymore.
There to be ways to be in the future: either by being a new generation or by being dead.
The european identity was built by the affinity between human connections lived in communion.


The Europes

If Europe isn’t a territory, but just humanity, then every place in which this humanity takes place can be seen as Europe.
If we consider this, we can acknowledge the existence of the Europes: UE Europe, Canadian Europe, Latin-American Europe.
Epicurus did not only study physics, astronomy, cosmology, poetics, ethics, politics, logic, mathematics – only some of which we study nowadays –  but he also studied ontology.
Epicurus wanted to theorize a philosophy that studied the Whole without becoming Pansophy. For him, true philosophy lay in the universal science of the cosmos, like the systemic relations in the biosphere.
The philosophy of the Whole creates ramifications in the sciences and incorporates them.
“… the true action for the creation of the Europes and their uniqueness is and will be the inclusion of all sciences of and in…”
Those who find themselves in this concept are and will be Europe, be it France, Canada or Brasil.
A ecobiohuman Europe.

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