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The new civil society is a network that decides and elaborates. It is independent and doesn’t acknowledge hierarchy: it only accepts a higher moral authority.
Every citizen feels like a King and joins the network to gain and give strength. He sees the network as salvation, like a sort of ark.
Omniarchy means solidarity, brotherhood, communion, making decisions together in a network of peers: a horizontal government.


Omniarchic republic based on men

Omniarchy is based upon a constitutional model whose main focus is the mankind.
Everything is centered upon men, every constitutional element is linked to the actions of men.
The omniarchic republic will be based on men and it will have an automatic jurisdiction.
Laws will be applied automatically and without recurring to burocratic third parties, with severe inspections and sentences will be unavoidable and will have to be paid.

Discontinuous or continuous democracy?

The crisis of representative democracy lies in its structure, because the duration of an electoral mandate spans between 4 and 7 years, but the decisions of the individual are made much more quickly, three months being the longest time for a single decision.
Democracy should also be able to make instant decisions.
The new computer and quantum technologies can enable this kind of decision-making.
All we have to do is to legalize it: this is Omniarchy.


Continuous democracy or the privatisation of politics?

Free softwares and opensource materials are the biggest example of “continuous democracy”. The origin of continuous democracy is “digital democracy”, whose developement is forced from below.
Continuous democracy will take the place now held by “discontinuous democracy”, which has its roots in the rapresentative system.
Representativeness gives independence to the mandate; after voting, citizens become an abstract entity. This is all very dangerous, because it makes democracy, politics and the Government itself available to fewer and fewer people, making way for the privatization of politics.


Cyberdemocracy will elect the idea

Continuous democracy is based upon the individual, not the masses.
We will go from the election of people to the election of ideas, separating them from the elected. We will change the virtual web of ideas in the real web of ideas, putting an end to the negative selection in accessing politics.
Continuous democracy is equity, the opposite of priviledge.


Naked Public
The era of transparence will drastically change the economy because digital capitalism will be faced with the possibility of easily gathering information on each and every phase of the economic and business. From investments to production to marketing to consumers. This will enable, as it already does, the creation of networks of actionists, employees, consumers who, aware of their new power, will change the business process itself. This is the Naked Corporation.
We will implement these principles in the process of analysis, handling and controlling of the public budget, turning the principles in Naked Public (Mosaico)


Shareholding Social Economy
It’s Weitzmann’s theory of Share Economy applied to public interest rather than the budget of private holdings.This theory postulates the presence of a shareholding between the employees of a single business, or the famous Stock Options benefiting the management.
We’d like to use it for a public purpose: that’s why we’ll call this theory Share Economy Sociality, implementing the following changes:
Income taxes for individuals and legal people will be articulated in two parts: the first, called Tax base and to be paid immediately, will be introduced in the entire public administration system; the second part, called Tax Prize and to be redeemed when the active balance is achieved. It’s a sort of Sharing Sociality consisting of a tax burden that will be used as a prize for the whole community when the desidered budget is achieved.
The Tax base will also have to include a sum to be destined to a program of social services and public works.
The social services will be deilberated after a universal suffrage with an x number of electors. The same process will be used for what the Sharing Sociality is concerned.
We think this will create a democracy based on public economy that will surely represent a drastic change in the western democratic era, where the free citizens will take active part i the administration of the public budget. (Mosaico)

Welfare Community

The place of the social element at the core of our project for a ecobiohumanist society.
The more people are individualized, the more people suffer for their individualization (Beck)
Social actions must introduce continuity in the lives of people: this means Welfare Community and contributive justice.
It means making sure that men have their main abilities, the ones that give them dignity, rather than food. (Sen)
It’s time for a new idea of rights, conceived as the interaction between the individual and the things at his disposal. (Sen)


Democratic Capitalism

From well being to the existent
Goods are only beneficial when they’re available for the person and not for the market.
Society must aim at the blooming of the human kind and the realization of people’s abilities in order to obtain real economic actions. (Sen)
What matters is not the distribution of resources, but the way in which they can be used.
Budget administration is an art, and operosity lies in men’s mission, which always takes some risking.
The monopoly eliminates operosity.
It is advisable to seriously consider democracy, economic freedom, religious freedom, contributive justice and the sharing of resources when administrating a capital. (Mosaico)


The principles of deliberative phases
The principles needed to bring forward the entire deliberative process of electoral bodies will be the principle of precaution and the systemic principle of the biosphere.
In this context, specific networks will be needed to elaborate plans based on research and development and aim at the application of the principle of precaution (blocking the product or the aim until it is proven to be safe) and the systemic one.
In eastern Asia, the political parties will have enormous possilities because the three local religions concentrate their philosophy on the Whole and not on its parts: they have a systemic approach to general matters.
Western religions should make the same effort in order to cope with the times to come.
The cultural ideas that must set the research progress in motion in order to preserve the principle of precaution and the systemic one are those of biopolitics (service to the biosphere) (Rifkin)


The new community makes a selection

Faced with an evolution of the social body that works like an organism, the community makes a selection, elevating the level of morality. (prof. Edward Wilson, founder of sociobiology, New Scientist November 2007)


The cyberspace requires a new way of doing politics

The cyberspace, or digital universe, has 3 important features: inclusivity, transparency (because it increases the information and bypasses everything), universality (because it goes beyond all linguistic and istitutional barriers).
The cyberspace will make the way for new and unimaginable forms of politics, in addition to new cities and digital regions. An electronic government will be needed.
The new Agorà is born. (Prof. Pierre Levy Univer Ottawa)


A new, democratic man is born

This high technology makes men want to do things themselves, as they best see fit. Men create a new concept of service and working public property; he sees total democracy as something that can reallybe achieved. Men develop the awareness that they can become Kings who have the public services and properties at their disposal. They develop the wish to become Kings.
In the future of politics it doesn’t matter who the ruler is: all that matters is HOW he does it. The idea of right and left wing is destined to disappear. (Prof. Derrick De Kerckhove Univ Toronto, Naples, Usa congress)


The new civil society is a network that decides and elaborates. It is independent and doesn’t acknowledge hierarchy: it only accepts a higher moral authority.
Every citizen feels like a King and joins the network to gain and give strength. He sees the network as salvation, like a sort of ark.
Omniarchy means solidarity, brotherhood, communion, making decisions together in a network of peers: a horizontal government.


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