Final Proposal


(If a friend discovers flaws in our translations, please inform and prepare any necessary adjustments. Many Thanks for your cooperation.)


We will use ecohumanism, omniarchy and glocal churches as a base for requesting a new constitutional phase in every country where young people and those who are in the grace of God have the will and strength to obtain it.
The era of consumism, discontinuous democracy, sophisticated dictatorships is over. A new, young society is born.


Uniting dignity, knowledge, spirituality, wisdom, convergent revolutions (digital technology, genetics, energetics, demography, economics, neutrinic science) in a new universal order.
These are the key elements to EcoBioHumanism: the transformation processes will be a consequence of the rielaboration of Phronosophy.



Phronosophy is the tool used in the process of transforming yesterday into tomorrow.
The best aid for receving and controlling intuition.
Phronosophy is the symbiosis between Phronesis, Knowledge, balance of knowledge, and Sophia, Wisdom, balance of wisdom and intuition.
If we use it according to Denis de Rougemont’s principle of in-sertion and con-serion, men will achieve the continuous creation, “comparticipated”  without going against one’s own or other people’s nature.



The natural and artificial bios are co-modified by continuing their human and divine creation with the in-sertion and con-sertion. They must be of public dominion, without any forms of monopoly.
The eco brings others men to be considered always the same, different and superior, because it requires the freedom of choosing one’s home. All of this must happen in a context of freedom where people are free to decide about their generalogical habitat and their own free will.


The educational system must change

The educational system must be modified so that it contains the evolved teachings of EcoBioHumanism, Phronosophy and Dromology. It must create new models inside the families, in schools, and universities, in literature and in the arts and sports.


Welfare  community

It is a citizen’s type of civil intervention of the citizen who, during the course of his life, dedicates many hours to the well being of others.
The State would compensate such citizens with tax vouchers to be redeemed against tax discounts.
The youngsters would be compelled to do one year of civil service which will to all effects counts towards the pension scheme.


Shareholding Social Economy

It’s Weitzmann’s theory of Share Economy applied to public interest rather than the budget of private holdings.
This theory postulates the presence of a shareholding between the employees of a single business, or the famous Stock Options benefiting the management.
We’d like to use it for a public purpose: that’s why we’ll call this theory Share Economy Sociality, implementing the following changes:
Income taxes for individuals and legal people will be articulated in two parts: the first, called Tax base and to be paid immediately, will be introduced in the entire public administration system; the second part, called Tax Prize and to be redeemed when the active balance is achieved. It’s a sort of Sharing Sociality consisting of a tax burden that will be used as a prize for the whole community when the desidered budget is achieved.
The Tax base will also have to include a sum to be destined to a program of social services and public works.
The social services will be deilberated after a universal suffrage with an x number of electors. The same process will be used for what the Sharing Sociality is concerned.
We think this will create a democracy based on public economy that will surely represent a drastic change in the western democratic era, where the free citizens will take active part i the administration of the public budget. (Mosaic)


Inventing the Omniconnection

The times is right for us to change the web as we know it today. Democracy and communication are under constant transformation, in an inseparable relationship without which both will fail. This is why it is imperative to link realities which previously seemed impossible.
The link between digital and non-digital must be invented so as to have everybody connected.
Communication can not be foreseen and is unprogrammable, and requires the invention of a new democracy. (Prof. Luca Toschi Unifi)



Democratic process in which the guvernability of politics is given by new administrational models that introduce the ideas introduced by the electoral body with free and universal elections.

The ark is the freedom recognized by the web of horizontal solidarity which must offer the new digital system that means salvation and help for everyone and wanted by everyone (Omni-)

The mandates won’t give such great power to those who are not worthy of representing their folks anymore.


Final Proposal

We will use ecohumanism, omniarchy and glocal churches as a base for requesting a new constitutional phase in every country where young people and those who are in the grace of God have the will and strength to obtain it.
The era of consumism, discontinuous democracy, sophisticated dictatorships is over.
A new, “young” society is born.

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2 Responses to Final Proposal

  1. Jey Biava says:

    per il bene comune dove ognuno di noi nella sua unicità del suo essere si apre all’altro..citando Lèvinas..l’Opera, movimento del medesimo verso l’altro che non torna mai al Medesimo..

  2. Ecobihum says:

    Rivelazione, interpretazione e linguaggio questi sono tre fattori fondamentali del pensiero di Levinas che noi non certo abbiamo sottaciuto e nemmeno dimenticato nelle nostre ricerche per l’ecobiumanesimo, non solo abbiamo anche colto con grandissima attenzione lo sviluppo comune del pensiero tra lui e Dostojevskij. È un pensatore che sottolinea molto bene il ruolo fondamentale che ha l’Altro (inteso come altro uomo) che diventa il prossimo del mio impegno morale ed una vera e propria traccia che apre alla trascendenza.
    Levinas preferisce pensare la filosofia come la “conoscenza dell’amore” piuttosto che l’amore della conoscenza.
    Il nostro progetto vuole rovesciare i concetti attuali di un pensare inesistente, passando dalla trasformazione del modello sociale, ormai superato quasi in tutto. Una nuova Europa, in un nuovo contesto di popoli, di cultura, di democrazia, di governo, di leadership, di confini.

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