The Mild revolution is for those who are in the Grace of God


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“…the Holy Spirit avoids fiction, steers clear of nonsense, goes away when injustice comes around…”  (from the Book of Wisdom)

“…I embued him with the Spirit of God to give him wisdom, intelligence and knowledge in every matter, so that he can achieve what he aims at…” (from the Book of Neemia)

“…men are creatures who were given the order to become God…” (Saint Basil)

“…I am God, not a man…” (Osea 11,9)

A man can’t be true to himself if he doesn’t dare to meet his spirit, if he doesn’t seek the master Spirit, the infinite one, the one who allows him to get in touch with the Creator of the Creation…
There’s a conscience lying in every Self, but after that there’s an essence where my own good is, where is can feel the peace turn into lightness and deliver me from two conditions, gravity and time.

When men aren’t subject to gravity, even for a second, they perceive their weight differently. When they aren’t subject to time, they lose the sense of it and an hour becomes a minute. It is then and only then that men enter a new dimension.
When a man feels something and doesn’t allow it to be ruled by the five senses, that’s when gravity and time are overcome.
When a man grows and improves his disposition by overcoming gravity and time, then he meets his own spirit and that of He who created everything.
Only those who are in the grace of God can build their lives thinking about what doesn’t have an end. This is the only way one can find eternal Love, a Soulmate, the true meaning of life, his true dignity.

Every new society in this “New World” must grant every man this possibilità, with the proper tools and  with liberty, with aids and proper models of education.
EcoBioHumanism will be one of these tools, and phronosophy will be a school of thought.
We must grant men the possibility to participate together with the Creator to the creation, with the in-sertion and con-sertion and without compromising his own nature.

It’s the “New World” where everyone can become a King, where every creature can evolve without asking for charity.
The new Common Good won’t be the equal distribution of wealth anymore, but the equal diffusion of human dignity by overcoming everything that is in security, because every man who has dignity is the first real help one can give another man.

The Mild Revolution is the complete diffusion of human dignity, of men who meet the spirit and wish to encounter it.

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One Response to The Mild revolution is for those who are in the Grace of God

  1. Giulio Scipio says:

    La spiritualità, o meglio la ricerca di se stessi come spirito sono oggi seconde rispetto ad avere un vestito firmato o la macchina costosa…. sono perfettamente concorde con Bauman su questo aspetto, i mezzi per raggiungere la felicita sono diventati la felicità stessa, ovvero il l’acquisto di beni è divenuto una surrogazione delle felicità. Il solo acquistare un abito ti deve rendere felice, non importa se “indossare” l’abito ti provocherà piacere o meno, la ricerca marketing punta a consolidare la ricerca della felicità e non la felicità stessa. “Le cose che possiedi alla fine ti posseggono” Chuck Palahniuk, “Non voglio essere re di questo mondo, voglio costruire un modo migliore di cui essere re” Erasmo, “Dobbiamo trovare noi stessi ed il senso di ciò che è il mondo, il tempo che ci è dato per amare” Erasmo.

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